Archive for November, 2011
Monday, November 28th, 2011
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Monday, November 28th, 2011

Have you ever watched a humingbirds wiNgs flap as it’s flying?, well that’s how fast my hands are flapping at the thought of new Ab Fab episodes. I can’t wait, this is a new pic released by the BBC, can’t believe June Whitfield is 86!. How fierce does Patsy look in this photo, gold 
Tags: 1970's, Ab Fab, Absolutely Fabulous, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011

At last my deluxe ‘SMiLE’ set from The Beach Boys has arrived. No need to go into the details of this truely legendary album, if you don’t know about it, and the amazing tale of why it has stayed hidden for four decades, then you have an amazing journey in front of you discovering it. The music of Brian Wilson, and the voices of The Beach Boys, truely touches and dances around the very depths of my soul. Apparently not everyone experiences this, or is moved like this by music, i guess i’m one of the lucky ones.
When i listen to music that touches me, it seems to enter my body, and then it takes the form of colours, and tangible emotions. As much as i tried to hide it, when i saw SMiLE performed live in 2004 by Brian Wilson, there were several moments during the performance where i felt the music vibrate through my body, and i was reduced to tears.
So now, here we have the original Beach Boys recordings, released after being locked away for the best part of forty four years. It was worth the wait. Look, Listen, Vibrate, SMiLE.
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney, The Beach Boys
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011

After talking to the girls at lunch yesterday, I want a Dolly Varden cake for my next birthday, hopefully stylised to meet my bad taste requirements.
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Dolly Varden, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Life with Archie, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Life with Archie, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Life with Archie, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011
Tags: 1970's, Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Life with Archie, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Saturday, November 26th, 2011
Tags: Art, Australia, Botox, Camp, Clothes, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Plastic Surgery, Plastic surgery disasters, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Friday, November 25th, 2011

“Scoopon offers medical deals including a non-surgical facelift using laser technology for $189, down from $1200.”
Whoo!!, for that price they can start at my ass, and work their way up! 
Tags: Art, Australia, Botox, Camp, Clothes, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Plastic Surgery, Plastic surgery disasters, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Friday, November 25th, 2011

Man, if only comics were this cool when i was collecting them when i was but a bubba queen. This week it was announced there will be a Gay wedding in ‘Life with Archie’. I wonder what Big Ethel will make of this?, maybe she’ll finally wake up and get her Dyke on. Mr Weatherby in this photo is looking equal parts shocked, and hot for a piece of the cartoon ass action.
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Comic, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Life with Archie, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

Let me put it simply, i need those glasses, i need that jumper .. life is incomplete until this is resolved.
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Clothes, Fair day, Fashion, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

I think i want to date a dog owner, if they’re willing, and able to trail the pooch, and happy to scoop up, and bag it’s stools. I can only wonder at what they’d be willing to do for a devoted partner.
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Jerry Lewis, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney
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Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney, Trash
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Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney, Words
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Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

I ONCE heard JFK make a speech where he mentioned the percentage of salt to water in the human body, is approximately the same ratio of water to salt in sea water.
If thus, it would explain the effect being around water, and inparticular the sea has on me. I’ve always felt very drawn to the ocean, and very calm and safe in it’s presence. I’m the worlds biggest fraidy cat about anything you care to name, but put me in the ocean and i’m fearless, tho very respectful as taught by my dad.
Being under the Aquarius star sign may also have something to do with this sense of confort i get from the sea. I have never become complaceant at the wonder that is Sydney Harbour, the luxury of sitting back outside The Opera House to the sound of lapping water.
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Ocean, Op shop, Opera house, Retro, School, Sea, Street Art, Sydney, Sydney harbour, Words
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Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

After spending the day with my mum in hospital whilst she had a hidious procedure, and seeing the distress and pain of many other aged patients, i was reminded of this photo of Bette Davis i saw years ago, more true words have never been cross stitched.
Tags: Art, Australia, Bette Davis, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Hospital, Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Street Art, Sydney
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Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Musical Theatre, Newtown, Op shop, Repertwa, Retro, Street Art, Sydney, Words
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Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, School, Street Art, Sydney, Words
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Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011
Tags: Art, Australia, Bette Davis, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Ice Cream, Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Street Art, Sydney
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Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

“When we hold on to our opinions with aggression, no matter how valid our cause, we are simply adding more aggression to the planet, and violence and pain increase. Cultivating non-aggression is cultivating peace. The way to stop the war is to stop hating the enemy. It starts with seeing our opinions of ourselves and of others as simply our take on reality and not making them a reason to increase the negativity on the planet.” – Pema Chodron.
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Inspiring, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Street Art, Sydney, Words
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Monday, November 14th, 2011

“There are good ships, and there are wood ships, the ships that sail the sea. But the best ships are friendships, and may they always be.”
Tags: 2011, Art, Australia, Camp, Edward Kennedy, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, JFK, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, New Mardi Gras, Newtown, Obama, Op shop, Retro, Street Art, Sydney, Toast
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Sunday, November 13th, 2011
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Charles Hawtrey, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, New Mardi Gras, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Schadenfreude, Street Art, Sydney
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Tuesday, November 8th, 2011
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Charles Hawtrey, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, New Mardi Gras, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Schadenfreude, Street Art, Sydney
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Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Without doubt the sexiest Martian ever, Athena the green lady also proved that aliens aren’t necessarily a smarter race than humans, when poor old Athena tried to ‘turn’ Dr Smith, surely one squeal from HIM should have given her the biggest hint.
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Dr Smith, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Helen Reddy., Inner West, Lesbian, Lost in space, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, New Mardi Gras, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Schadenfreude, Street Art, Sydney
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Friday, November 4th, 2011

Just listened to a half hour radio special on Helen Reddy on the drive to Sydney, I couldn’t figure how I knew every word, to every song, then a dark corner of my past cracked open, and I remembered when I was really little I was obsessed with her. HELLO!, couldn’t somebody have nudged me and given me the whisper ‘Greg, you’re a fah-laming QUEEN!!’ – “Angie baby, living in a world of make believe” Helen, you were speaking to me, and I didn’t even know it!.
Tags: Art, Australia, Bill Gates, Camp, Charles Hawtrey, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Helen Reddy., Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, New Mardi Gras, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Schadenfreude, Street Art, Sydney
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Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

So CHOGM is over, and i bet no one pissed in Robert Mugabes Champagne, or shit in his punch bowl .. what a waste.
Tags: 2011, Apathy, Art, Australia, Beyondblue, Camp, Charles Hawtrey, Chogm, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Jeff Kennett, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Robert Mugabe, Schadenfreude, Street Art, Sydney, Weapons of mass destruction
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Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

“A shit Leopard never changes it’s shit spots” – Jim Lahey.
Tags: Art, Australia, Beyondblue, Bill Gates, Camp, Charles Hawtrey, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Jeff Kennett, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Schadenfreude, Street Art, Sydney
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Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

I got all excited thinking this was Charles Hawtry, and the Gayest pumpkin i’d ever seen, then i realised it was Bill Gates 
Tags: Art, Australia, Bill Gates, Camp, Charles Hawtrey, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Schadenfreude, Street Art, Sydney
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Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011
That glorious moment when the person talking to you forgets it’s you, and then says something as if they’re talking about you to someone else, then that microsecond in time when they realise what they’ve done, as do you, then get to feast on them panic, trying to figure how to cover it, and to try and deflect the statement. Being the professional that i am, i strung out his agony for at least two full minutes, which is a long time trying to cover the fact you’re a back stabbing, inaccurate gossip. I held a strait face, and covered well, all except my 501 button bursting arousal at his utter and shameful pain.
Tags: Art, Australia, Camp, Fair day, Funky, Gay, Guys, Inner West, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Newtown, Op shop, Retro, Schadenfreude, Street Art, Sydney
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