Archive for May, 2014
Thursday, May 22nd, 2014

Twenty years since Jackie passed away, it seems such a short time ago, but in the years since the world has changed in quantum leaps, one can’t help but wonder what she would make of mobile phones, home computers, iPhones, ipads, GPS’s. In her lifetime she was probably one of the most photographed people in history, if not the most, can you imagine her life now?, where every person passing her on the street has a camera/video recorder in their pockets?, where the papparazzi have their own tv channel?.
It seems there have been many technological advances in the intervening years, but sadly a lot of what Jackie encapsulated seems to have died along with her, her dignity, poise, style and grace. I’d rather see those traits updated in people before some up to the minute technological advance.
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014

ABOVE. Me as a toddler outside where my sister lived, just near my Aunty’s and Nanna’s houses. No idea of the name of this cat or who’s it was.
I’ve always loved animals, my little nephew recently getting his first kitten took me back to the times i’ve had cats, the fact that my nephews kitten is a dead ringer for my cat Choo Choo sent me off down memory lane.
As a child my family had a dog named Sandy who was sadly killed on the road. One day my school friend Ronald gave me a kitten that his cat had recently given birth to, somehow (spoiled) i was allowed to keep it, and named her Choo Choo after a charactor on ‘Top Cat’. The operative word here is ‘Her’, in those days not many cats were desexed, and it wasn’t long before my jezebel of a cat got knocked up.
We didn’t see Choo Choo for a while, until one night we had a knock from our next door neighbors informing us that Choo Choo had given birth . . in the ceiling of their house.
My brother turned on the spot and said ‘YOU have to climb up and get them!!’, i of course went into a melt down, being afraid of heights on such an extreme scale i’ve only ever been able to wear high heels once .. okay, make that twice.
In an act of brotherly love Glenn crawled up into the roof and rescued the cats, a LOT of cats. I had the joy of naming them, Chubby, Tiny, Mimi, Benny and Jinxy. I was stoked, i loved those cats SO much.
They were born in summer, and summer brings fleas, I was learning the hard way that animals are a big responsibility, after a plague of fleas descended upon our house, and flea bombs of nuclear force were detonated, my dad drew the line insisting i give away some of the brood.
Heartbroken i had to choose which cats to keep, they ended up being Choo Choo, Chubby and Tiny. Mimi (a beautiful blue eyed, ash grey Persian) and Benny were given away to a good home, alas poor Jinxy wasn’t so lucky, he befell a fate best not discussed here, the poor thing met an end in a sad accident.
For years Choo Choo, Tiny and Chubby were the best pet friends a kid could have, i adored them and i still miss them.

CHOO CHOO. Protective, but affectionate mother cat.

TINY. Painfully shy son of Choo Choo.

CHUBBY. An amazingly handsome cat, he was pure black with about three strands of white hair on his Adams apple.

ABOVE. Me striking a pose that screams ‘No one will ever guess i’m a

ABOVE. Feed time in Popeyes shed. Strangely enough, in the exact spot where the cats are standing is the same place i was when i heard the news John Lennon had been shot, by then my drum kit was positioned where the cats are, and i was practicing when the news came on the radio that was sitting on the cupboard seen in the background of this photo.

ABOVE. Choo Choo and Tiny having some rough and tumble. Cool to see the old clothes line in the background.

ABOVE. More feline rough and tumble, poor Tiny, he would have been freaking.

ABOVE. My little nephew Michael doing chiropractic work on poor Choo Choo. Dads purple Ford Escort in the background.

ABOVE. Chubby and Tiny chilling out.

ABOVE. My nieces Danielle, Kylie and Michelle holding Choo Choo, they loved my cats as much as i did.

ABOVE. Chubby on the prowl. In the background you can see my dads chook shed, and Lucy one of the chickens, so named because she had orange feathers. We used to play ‘Prisoner’ with the chickens, they were all named after characters from the show, ‘Lizzie’, ‘Bea’ etc. We would let the chickens out to graze on the grass, but we had to patrol the fence to make sure no chickens ran away and escaped, using sticks we would chase them back behind the line, I of course was ‘Joan Ferguson’ in this game .. no chickens were harmed in the amusement of us children.

ABOVE: Choo Choo and Chubby stepping out.

ABOVE. My favorite pic of Chubby, chilling out in his favorite spot under the lemon tree.
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014

Phew!!, sure as shit glad I had Crimsafe put on all my windows, after the federal budget shitting on the support of the unemployed, i’m going need it with the soaring crime rates that are coming.
I do however have a business tip for anyone looking to get rich over the next few years, invest in body bags, with the disability pension now being a performance based process, many who are teetering with mental illness and the stigmas, shame, humiliation and difficulties that comes with it, facing the trauma of treatment and the exhausting task of trying to have your illness understood, and now having to repeatedly justify your agony, I predict the suicide completion rates will sky rocket.
Take a bow all who delivered this to us, you should soon feel the cold trickle of blood on your filthy hands.
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Land of the lost, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, John Waters, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Serial Mom, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Adams Family, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Google, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Masking, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, One direction, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Masking, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, One direction, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, One direction, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, One direction, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 15th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, One direction, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

Digging through some old photos for a little project, i came across this pic. Always leading the field this photo shows i was challenging the Kings Cross lock out laws 28 years before they were enacted.
Picture it . . 1987, my mates H, Alex and i are heading for a night out in Kings Cross at a venue called ‘The Site’, it was a Smiths party, so H and i both had a spray of flowers hanging out of our back pockets, but Alex being a fashion terrorist of the highest order decided that this night, knowing that we wore black, decided to deck himself head to toe in grey stone wash.
Despite our pleas he wouldn’t be swayed from his ‘statement’, which i might add also included grey vinyl shoes with grey zips up the sides. We arrived at the club busting to reel around the dance floor, we walked in, the bouncers took one look at the stone wash, and we were immediately thrown out onto the street.
What this photo shows is Alex ‘presenting’ the stone wash for the camera, and me arguing our case with the non responsive bouncer. For years afterwards at very random intervals, the grey shoes with zips would mysteriously appear on my doorstep while i was away or at work, staying long enough for my neighbors to assume the worst.
Tip of the hat Al, no one does fashion terror quite like you, Respect!!. See More
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Kings Cross, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Morrissey, Movies, Newtown, One direction, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, The Smiths, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 8th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, One direction, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 8th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Thursday, May 8th, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, One direction, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Friday, May 2nd, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, One direction, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Friday, May 2nd, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Friday, May 2nd, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Friday, May 2nd, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Friday, May 2nd, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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Friday, May 2nd, 2014
Tags: 1970′s, 2014, Australia, Brisbane, Buskers, Camp, Dining, Fair day, Feet, Gay, Gold coast, Guys, Lesbian, Mardi Gras, Melbourne, Men, Midsumma, Movies, Newtown, Porn, Retro, Stoner, Sydney, Television, Wollongong
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